首届衢州人发展大会暨“美丽大花园”建设论坛 First Development Conference of Quzhou People & Garden City Construction Forum
为进一步吹响“活力新衢州、美丽大花园”建设集结号,激发“天下衢州人”浓厚乡情投身家乡建设,并打响“南孔圣地、衢州有礼”城市品牌。9月21日—22日,一场“天下衢州人”的盛会——首届衢州人发展大会暨“美丽大花园”建设论坛即将隆重登场。 The First Development Conference of Quzhou People & Garden City Construction Forum will take place on Sept. 21-22, inviting Quzhou people to participate in building Quzhou into a vibrant garden city and promoting its brand.
09-22 17:09

本届大会圆满结束。直播到此结束,谢谢您的关注。 The conference concludes. That is all for today's live streaming. Thank you for your attention.

09-22 17:08

徐书记呼唤在外工作的衢州人回家,找到心灵的人原乡。 Xi calls upon Quzhou people working outside Quzhou to return to the hometown.

09-22 16:59

徐文光总结,分享也是一种智慧一种奉献。 To sum up, he says sharing is a form of wisdom and contribution.

09-22 16:57

徐书记说,“美丽大花园”建设要从心开始。 Xu says the building of the garden city should begin with the heart.

09-22 16:56

徐文光说: 数字转型不仅仅事关经济产业,与全社会、政府也息息相关。 Xu says digital transformation is not only about economy, but also about the society and the government.

09-22 16:48

徐文光书记结合市委市政府工作部署作回应讲话,展示衢州发展机会和空间。 Xu Wenguang, secretary of the CPC Quzhou Municipal Committee, summarizes the speeches and introduces the development opportunities of Quzhou.

09-22 16:44

贾云峰动情地说:希望你们以后听到衢州,和我一样泪流雨下。 Jia hopes whenever hearing about Quzhou, you will burst into tears like me.

09-22 16:43

09-22 16:31

贾云峰说:衢州幸福产业不能忽视九个要点。 Jia says Quzhou's happiness industry should pay attention to nine points.

09-22 16:25

贾云峰阐述衢州幸福产业四大内涵。 Jia expounds four aspects of Quzhou's happiness industry.

09-22 16:20

贾云峰 联合国世界旅游组织专家、中国国家旅游局改革发展咨询委员会委员,作主题演讲:身心花园 身浸幸福。 Jia Yunfeng, an expert from the U.N. World Tourism Organization, and member of the Reform and Development Consulting Committee of China National Tourism Administration, makes speech on the happiness industry.

09-22 16:18

在互动环节,池洪说:身为创业者,如何更好的为家乡做贡献:一个是情怀,对家乡的热爱。 二个是共赢,优势互补,资源优化配置。

09-22 16:12

池洪对衢州发展提了三点建议。 1、坚持需求导向,促进产品、服务等供给侧的品质提升; 2、打造服务品牌,大力深化“衢州有礼”的内涵,提升服务理念和标准化服务水准,不断完善营商环境、旅游环境和居住环境; 3、对接长三角资源要素,努力为衢州产业转型升级起到“杠杆”作用。 He floats three suggestions. 1. Take a demand-oriented approach. 2. Foster a service brand. 3. Connect resources of the Yangtze River Delta

09-22 16:09

池洪说,衢州有四大比较优势:生态环境良好 人文积淀深厚 资源相对丰富 成本相对低廉 区位优势明显 交通条件良好 产业基础较好 协作配套较强。 He says Quzhou has several advantages: the good environment, profound culture, rich resources, low costs, a favorable geographic position, a good transport network, a solid industrial foundation and strong coordinating capabilities.

09-22 15:58

池洪说,消费新趋势体现了“享受生活、关爱健康”的鲜明特征,为衢州发展美丽经济幸福产业带来新机遇。 Chi Hong says the new features exhibited in spending will bring opptunities for Quzhou to build itself into a garden city.

09-22 15:44

池 洪 长江经济联合发展(集团)股份有限公司党委书记、董事长作题为“活力新衢州 美丽大花园”的主题演讲。 Chi Hong, Party secretary and president of Yangtze River Economic United Development Co., Ltd., makes a speech on building Quzhou into a garden city.

09-22 15:39

在互动环节,吴敏芝希望大学生学成归来,落地衢州。客服体验中心可为衢州市提供一万人就业岗位。 In the Q&A session, Wu hopes more young people will opt to work and live in Quzhou. The customer experience center will offer 10,000 jobs to Quzhou.

09-22 15:29

谈及阿里与衢州的合作,吴敏芝说,在衢州建立客户体验中心,从三年培养3000人的目标到两年创建20万人,电商人才市场需求多。 Wu says Alibaba will set up a customer experience center in Qzuhou with an aim to foster 200,000 talented people in two years. There is a hugh demand for e-commerce professionals.

09-22 15:23

吴敏芝说:衢州发展越来越好,“1433”战略体系的提出为未来发展谋划了新篇章。数字经济时代,抓住机遇,对我们企业、区域发展提供助推力。 Wu says the "1433 strategic strategy" opens new prospect for the future development of Quzhou. In the era of the digital economy, we should jump at the opportunities to inject impetus to the development of companies and the region.

09-22 15:18

阿里巴巴副总裁吴敏芝作题为拟为“助力衢州 打造衢州经济时代新标杆”的主题演讲 Vice president of Alibaba Group Wu Minzhi,who is hailing from Quzhou, makes a themed speech on digital economy.

09-22 15:14

回答衢州市工商联主席的问题时,南存辉谈到,衢州市建设“美丽大花园”离不开各界支持和努力,我们要因时制宜,因地制宜。企业发展遇到困难,要及时反映基层声音。政策落实要及时追踪调查,以此更好的发挥工商联的桥梁纽带的作用。在大环境和趋势变化中,要乘势而为。 Nan advised Quzhou to align its development with local comditions. The government should attend to the voice of enterprises and peope. We should keep a watch on the implementation of governmental policies and seize the opportunities.

09-22 15:11

衢州市工商联主席余震与南存辉现场互动。 Audiences interact with Nan Cunhui.

09-22 15:10

09-22 15:09

正泰在衢州的投资项目: 1. 江山农林光互补地面光伏电站 2. 柯城农林光互补地面光伏电站 3. 龙游户用光伏电站 Chint has set up photovoltaic power stations in Quzhou.

09-22 15:04

南存辉说,数字衢州大有可为。优良的生态环境与交通便利性优势;率先发展数字产业与配套政策支持优势;政府高效率服务能力与低商务成本优势。 Digital economy has a bright future in Quzhou. Quzhou has a good environment and a convenient trasnport network. Quzhou has spearheaded the digital industry as well as supporting policies. The city has a highly efficient government and low business costs.

09-22 14:58

现场观众认真聆听主题演讲。 Audiences listen to the themed speech.

09-22 14:49

南存辉介绍,67%的全球top100企业已经将数字化转型作为公司战略的核心。十九大指出,加快建设制造强国,促进实体经济与数字经济的深度融合。2017年,我国数字经济总量占GDP比重23%,与发达国家仍有差距。 Nan says 69 percent of the top 100 firms in the world have adopted digital transformation as their core strategy. The 19 th Party Congress put forward building China into a leading country in manufacturing. In 2017, China's digital economy made up 23 percent of the total economy, still lagging behind developed countries.

09-22 14:48

南存辉 全国工商联副主席,正泰集团股份有限公司董事长兼总裁, 作演讲。演讲主题主题:拟为关于实体经济与数字经济融合发展 Nan Cunhui, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and president of Chint Group,makes a speech entitled "The integrated development of the real economy and digital economy."

09-22 14:45

论坛开始,主持人做开场白。 The forum begins.

09-22 14:43

播放《筑活力三衢 观花园气象》专题片。 The feature film is playing on the screen.

09-22 14:38

“美丽大花园”建设论坛即将开始。 Garden City Construction Forum will begin soon.

09-22 13:18

上午的直播到此结束,谢谢您的关注。 The live coverage on the morning ends. Thank you for your attention.

09-22 13:16

发布全球衢籍乡贤人才地图。 The global map for Quzhou elites is released.

09-22 13:11

海外人才工作站授牌。 The working station of overseas professionals is inaugurated.

09-22 13:08

衢州绿色产业集聚区管委会主任、衢州市委组织部副部长、衢州市人力社保局局长吴招明介绍创建方案。 Wu Zhaoming, vice chief of the Organization Department of the municipal government, elaborates on the construction plan of the industrial park.

09-22 13:05

省级“千人计划”产业园创建启动仪式。 The industrial park for the provincial "1,000 Talented People Project " is launched.

09-22 13:03

现场播放宣传片。 A promotional video is playing on the screen.

09-22 12:51

09-22 12:50

市委常委、组织部长林晓峰作推介讲话。 Lin Xiofeng, member of the CPC Quzhou Municipal Committee, and head of the Organization Department of the municipal government gives a speech.

09-22 12:47

美丽大花园人才生态推介会召开。 "Beautiful Garden City" Talent-Ecology Promotion Conference begins.

09-22 12:39

宣言宣读完毕,隐藏在舞台上方的同心圆缓缓落下,主持人邀请徐文光书记、汤飞帆市长上场与读宣言的嘉宾一起共筑“同心圆”。大家一起触动同心圆,同心圆亮起,缓缓升起,形成衢州城市品牌标识—作揖礼图案,主旨大会结束。 Concentric circles gradually fall down from the top of the stage. The host invites Xu Wenguang, Tang Feifan and other guests to light up the devices. The conference closes.

09-22 12:36

代表一起宣读大会宣言。 Representatives read the declaration of the First Development Conference of Quzhou People.

09-22 12:34

09-22 12:31

演唱大会主题曲。合唱团立于舞台两侧,童声合唱团和教师合唱团演唱大会主题曲《礼》。 Choirs, made up by children and teachers, are standing on the both sides of the stage and singing the theme song of this forum.

09-22 12:29

大会司仪宣布表彰仪式结束。 The awarding ceremony closes.

09-22 12:26

“金凤衢商”获得者上台领奖。 The winners of the title of "Non-local Quzhou Entrepreneurs" come to the stage and are given certificates and trophies.

09-22 12:24

“新锐衢商”获得者上台领奖。 The winners of the title of "New Quzhou Entrepreneurs" march to the stage and are given certificates and trophies.

09-22 12:23

“杰出衢商”获得者上台领奖。 The winners of the title of "Outstanding Quzhou Entrepreneurs" march to the stage and are given certificates and trophies.

09-22 12:18

按照规定的各项标准条件和评选程序,经各县(市、区)、各有关部门层层推荐和严格把关联评,大会领导小组审定,决定表彰5位“三衢儒商”、16位“杰出衢商”、16位“新锐衢商”、16位“金凤衢商"。 The list of award winners is announced.

09-22 12:13

市委副书记周伟江宣读表彰决定。 Zhou Weijiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Quzhou Municipal Committee, announces the role models of Quzhou people.

09-22 12:11

由汤飞帆市长宣布下面进入表彰仪式,请大会司仪主持。 Tang Feifan, mayor of Quzhou City, declares the awarding ceremony open

09-22 12:10

由汤飞帆市长宣布下面进入表彰仪式,请大会司仪主持(许婷) Tang Feifan, mayor of Quzhou City, declares the awarding ceremony open

09-22 12:08

会上,衢商、浙商携41个招商项目回归,大会期间签约的重大项目总投资达495.72亿元。 A total of 41 projects are brought to Quzhou. At the conference, an array of major projects worth 49.572 billion yuan are signed.

09-22 12:02

09-22 12:02

09-22 12:02

大会进行第三项议程:创业创新项目签约仪式 The signing ceremony of startups and innovation programs begins.

09-22 11:57

余竹云多年来对衢州家乡一直怀有深情,并心系家乡建设。他表示其在衢州的项目“田园综合体”得益于政府推出的优越的营商政策。他从顶层设计和落地实施两个层面,高度评价了衢州政府招商引资的政策。 He has closely watched Quzhou's development. He said his project his company runs has hugely benefitted from the policies and business environment of the city. He speaks highly of the measures taken by the local government to woo investment.

09-22 11:57

知名衢籍乡贤、中环控股集团董事局主席、安徽省工商联副主席余竹云发言。 Yu Zhiyun, chairman of Central Holding Group, vice chairman of Anhui Federation of Industry and Commerce, speaks.

09-22 11:48

王敏文感恩衢州的一方水土及优越的营商环境,为创业发展提供众多机会。遥望衢州发展未来,他认为城市发展一定会取得优越成果,不断凝聚衢州人民的共识,加快构建大产业体系,大力发展实体经济,推动第三产业发展,引进专业人才落户衢州。 Wang commends the business environment of Quzhou and the numerous opportunities brought by the city. Looking forward to the city's development, he believes the city is bound to make many accomplishments in the future and pull Quzhou people together, propel growth of industries and draw more talented professionals.

09-22 11:48

新衢州人、上海道铭投资有限公司董事长、浙江金瑞泓科技股份有限公司董事长王敏文发言。 Wang Minwen, chairman of QL Electronics Co., Ltd., speaks on behalf of Quzhou entrepreneurs.

09-22 11:42

他高度评价衢州政府高效开放的政策,称“最好的营商环境在浙江,浙江最好的营商环境在衢州”。他同时希望把衢州的特色产品通过网易严选销售到全球各地,把衢州文化发扬光大,吸引更多的人来衢州学习工作和生活。 He speaks highly of policies of the municipal government and hails Quzhou's business environment which is the best in Zhejiang province. He hopes his company can help sell Quzhou products and attract more people to work and live in the city.

09-22 11:38

柳晓刚,网易集团副总裁、网易严选CEO,作为代表发言。 Liu Xiaogang, vice president of NetEase, speaks.

09-22 11:33

他在发言中指出,风投行业作为市场资源配置的重要内容,其发展潜力巨大。其公司致力于将硅谷的风投行业落户到浙江,现有100多个亿的管理资金,主要围绕高科技人才孵化器,投资两百家企业,包括互联网医疗、文化产业领域的多家领军企业。他希望公司的投资项目和衢州发展进行更多的合作。 Chen Bin said that VC plays an important role in relocating the market resources. And his company focus on the high-tech incubators, and invests more that 200 companies, including major leading enterprises in the field of cultural creativity, medical care, and so on. He hopes that more opportunities will be created for future cooperation with Quzhou.

09-22 11:33

知名衢籍乡贤、浙江赛伯乐投资管理有限公司总裁陈斌发言。 Chen Bin, CEO of Cybernaut Investment Group, speaks.

09-22 11:27

郑树生家乡在衢州江山。他表示三十年离家在外,一直心系家乡建设。同创业企业一样,看到了未来新衢州发展的激情和希望,以及敢为人先的精神。他表态:“如果家乡需要我将竭尽全力 为家乡建设尽自己一份力。” He, hailing from Jiangshan of Quzhou, says he keeps a close watch on the development of Quzhou. He has noticed the pioneering spirit and passion of the city. He vows to make a contribution to the hometown if needed.

09-22 11:22

郑树生,迪普科技董事长 、宏杉科技董事长,作为代表进行发言。 Zheng Shusheng, chairman of MacroSAN Technologies Co., Ltd, speaks as a representative of Quzhou people working outside the city.

09-22 11:14

城市文明。打造城市品牌“南孔圣地,衢州有礼”,提出“衢州有礼二十条”。 Fostering civilization of the city and promoting the city brand - a sanctuary of the Confucius and a city of politeness.

09-22 11:03

徐书记说,许多衢州的干部把衢州的发展与自己紧紧联系在一起,促进城市招商引资。 Xu says many leaders in Quzhou connect their lives with the development of Quzhou and actively help increase the city' s pull.

09-22 10:57

营商环境,打造中国营商环境最优城市。Improving the business environment and building itself into the city with the best business environment in China.

09-22 10:52

基层治理。做好互联网+政务体系,打造基层治理体系中国最优城市。 The community governance. The city aims to build a "internet plus adminstration" system, and looks to become the best city in terms of the community governance in China.

09-22 10:51

队伍建设。打造一支战斗的团队,奋斗的团队,奔跑的团队。 Team building. The city aims to build hardworking and aspiring team.

09-22 10:48

乡村振兴。打造乡村版“大花园”,促进产业兴旺,建造生态宜居乡村。以改善乡村建房为改革发展的“牛鼻子”。 Rural rejuvenation. The city aims to build a big garden in rural areas, promotes the prosperity of industries and build a livable countryside, focusing on improving construction of rural housing.

09-22 10:42

产业化发展。阿里巴巴与衢州不断开启新的合作,如阿里巴巴客户体验中心落地衢州。衢州成为浙江省首个与阿里合作的示范市。 The industrial development. Alibaba has partnered with Quzhou to open a customer-experiencing center in Quzhou which became the first demonstration city to cooperate with Alibaba in Zhejiang province.

09-22 10:31

产业新城。衢州加快产业创新,一方面加快传统产业转型,另一方面着力培育幸福产业和智慧产业。 Promoteing the industrial innovation. The city upgrades the transformation of traditional industries, and fosters emerging industries, such as the happiness industry and the smart industry.

09-22 10:26

徐书记说:人要有理想,城市也要有理想,这样城市发展才有希望。 Xu says should people and the city harbor dreams, the city has the hopes of development.

09-22 10:16

在场观众认真聆听徐书记的致辞。 The audiences listen to Xu's speech.

09-22 10:12

城市赋能。坚持城市发展的人文环境,完善城市配套建设。 Speaking of the city empowerment, he says the city should stick to the improvement of cultural environment as well as the construction of supporting facilities.

09-22 10:07

徐书记幽默风趣的讲话引在场观众阵阵掌声,让衢州人感受到城市发展的独特魅力。 Xu' humorous speech is greeted with rounds of applauses.

09-22 09:53

徐文光说:衢州有八大任务。交通先导, 交通优先发展,打造交通综合枢纽。 Xu says Quzhou has eight tasks for development. Quzhou puts the transportation development at the first place, aiming to build Quzhou into a transportation hub.

09-22 09:42

徐书记说:进入新时代,衢州发展要走新路。衢州确立的“1433战略体系”为城市发展谋划新篇,打响建设“大花园”城市品牌。 Xu says Quzhou should take a new path of development in the new era. Quzhou has set out the "1433 strategic system" to propel the building of the city brand.

09-22 09:37

徐书记说:衢州人为国家发展和改革开放做出重要贡献, 90多万游子和乡贤分布在全国各地。衢州人是衢州最宝贵的财富和资源。 Xu says, Quzhou has made a great contribution to China's reform and opening up. More than 900,000 Quzhou people working outside Quzhou have become valuable assets for the city.

09-22 09:36

中共衢州市委书记徐文光主旨演讲。 Xu Wenguang, secretary of the CPC Quzhou Municipal Committee, makes a keynote speech.

09-22 09:32

毛光烈说:衢州高度重视数字经济,促进大数据发展,打破传统产业的惯性思维,大力发展幸福产业 智慧产业,引进数字经济领军企业。衢州营商环境不断改进,包括阿里巴巴等国际领军企业入驻衢州。交通基础设施不断完善。衢州市致力于打造中国营商环境最优城市,加快政府数字化转型。 Quzhou attaches great importance to digital economy, and promotes the development of big data industries. It also aims to develop two major strategic industries: the happiness industry and the smart industry. Quzhou optimizes the business environment, attracting leading enterprises such as Alibaba to settle down in Quzhou. The city also promotes the infrastructure construction of transportation, and the digital transformation of the government.

09-22 09:26

毛光烈说:近年来,家乡的变化日新月异,不断抢抓机遇,以打造城市品牌续写城市发展新篇章开创新格局。 Mao says Quzhou has undergone tremendous changes in recent years and seized opportunities of development.

09-22 09:24

老领导、衢州乡贤毛光烈致辞。 Former leader Mao Guanglie makes a speech.

09-22 09:22

浙江省人民政府省长袁家军向大会发来贺信。他在贺信中说:希望海内外衢州人继续弘扬浙江精神、新时代浙商精神,把握机遇、发挥优势,在实现自身事业更大发展的同时,关心支持并积极参与家乡的各项建设,为“两个一百年”浙江篇章作出新的更大贡献。 Yuan Jiajun: governor of Zhejiang province, delivered a congratulatory letter to the meeting, saying that he encourages Quzhou people to participate in the construction of their hometown and make contributions.

09-22 09:19

浙江省委书记车俊向大会发来贺信。他在贺信中说:近年来,海内外衢州儿女大力弘扬浙江精神,崇学尚礼,创业创新,为衢州乃至浙江发展作出了重要贡献。 Che Jun, secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee,says in his congratulatory letter that in recent years, Quzhou people has practiced the Zhejiang Spirit and made great contributions to the development of Quzhou City and Zhejiang Province.

09-22 09:18

奏唱《中华人民共和国国歌》。 Playing and singing the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China

09-22 09:17

市委副书记、市长汤飞帆主持大会主旨大会。Tang Feifan, deputy secretary of the CPC Quzhou Municipal Committee, and mayor of Quzhou City, presides over the conference.

09-22 09:15

首届衢州人发展大会暨“美丽大花园”建设论坛主旨大会正式开始。 The keynote conference for the First Development Conference of Quzhou People & Garden City Construction Forum begins.

09-22 09:12

与会领导在前排就座。 The leaders attending the conference sit in the first row.

09-22 09:11

09-22 09:05

本次大会主题:新时代新生代 新业态新动能 新未来新衢州 The theme of the conference is "New Era and New Generation, New Business Type and New Driving Force, New Future and New Quzhou."

09-22 08:57

大会即将开始。 The conference is set to commence.

09-22 08:56

现场播放宣传片。 A feature video is playing on the screen.

09-22 08:54

现场司仪向与会嘉宾分发“思乡结”,营造思乡情的仪式感。 MCs present guests with "nostalgic knots."

09-22 08:48

首届衢州人发展大会暨“美丽大花园”建设论坛主旨大会将在工人文化宫于9点召开,敬请关注。 The keynote conference for the First Development Conference of Quzhou People & Garden City Construction Forum will begin at the Workers' Cultural Palace at 9:00 a.m. Please stay tuned with us.